First- & Third-Party Insurance Litigation
Navigating your insurance policy can be a complicated task when you want to file a claim that has to do with your property. Our litigation team represents insureds in property insurance claims by providing efficient, focused and practical advocacy against insurance carriers.
Often insurance carriers will deny a property damage claim, such as:
Hurricane claims
Water intrusion
Roof damage
Wind damage
Flood claims
Or, the carrier will refuse to fully cover the damage. In those cases, homeowners turn to us to file suit for breach of the insurance policy against the carrier, to seek full coverage of their loss.
Further, it has been our experience that many carriers, facing exposure for losses after a claim is made, will file declaratory actions seeking a ruling by a court that they have no duty to indemnify or defend their insured – essentially, that there is no duty to cover the claim, or to retain and pay for counsel for the insured in the event the insured is sued. We have successfully handled several such lawsuits, and prevented insurance carriers for obtaining a judgment declaring they have no duties under the subject insurance policy.